jeremy making roses |
Well its the night before the big day and believe me when i say it is all go. On arrival at the organizers last night we made a list of everything needing to be done and have found that myself and Libby Cooke (costume assistant) are being drawn into props as well (which is rather fun) in the form of a tea pot. Left to do are the fastenings, more roses for the white queen dress and categorising everything ready for the day.
As soon as Libby arrived we settled down to start fastenings. these included zips on three animal costumes, eyelets and lace on both the queens dresses along additional jobs such as adding roses to dresses, ironing, slip stitching and general maintenance. We roped another volunteer into sewing, Jeremy Emery, making roses for us whilst we cracked on with the main garments. At around 4am it was decided that in the best interests of health we should get a few hours and recoup and start again at 6am