Finally I added the crochet barnicals, these have less weight compared to the structured cone ones meaning the beard will be lighter than previously thought. I found that if placed individually they looked hidden amongst the mass of sea weed, however in groups incorporating various materials and colours capture the eye and draw out key areas of the beard
Thursday, 31 May 2012
another beard bites the dust
Today has been a very pro active day where I have been able to to COMPLETE ANOTHER BEARD!!! As you can probably tell I am ecstatic about this, all the hours of chain stitch has been worth while. Using each of the chains, I wove them in various patterns throughout the scarf and then found it still looked quite bare. I spoke to Grace who advised me to add more texture by using differant materials or knotting.
After this I found some scrap silk habiti donated to us by Libby and Andy from moving tides in greens and pinks. Looking at them by themselfs you would think them over bright and to much, however i have found that in combination with the barnicals and other threads they look like strands of seaweed with coral intertwined. I also cut up small amounts of loose felting wool and tied them in knots to look like clusters of sea enemys.
Finally I added the crochet barnicals, these have less weight compared to the structured cone ones meaning the beard will be lighter than previously thought. I found that if placed individually they looked hidden amongst the mass of sea weed, however in groups incorporating various materials and colours capture the eye and draw out key areas of the beard
Finally I added the crochet barnicals, these have less weight compared to the structured cone ones meaning the beard will be lighter than previously thought. I found that if placed individually they looked hidden amongst the mass of sea weed, however in groups incorporating various materials and colours capture the eye and draw out key areas of the beard
day of sheer organza, harlequin fabirc and blue material
patches on mad hatter shirt |
working on white queen bodice |
Libbys patches |
wearing the alice skirt |
phillip working on the alice dress |
Monday, 28 May 2012
more and more chain stitch
After our briefing for level 6 I have found that once again I am back to chain stitching and helping on little bits of of the other costumes. I have found im very useful at making rustic ties from garden string and making barnicals to a certain size needed. I have been informed that we have however reached our barnical limit again and not to carry on crocheting the barnicals into various shapes.
Thursday - Chain Stitch using 4mm Crochet Hook using Sirdir Country Style - colour Mustard (40% Nylon, 30% Wool, 30% Acrylic) I have made approximately 5 metres.
Friday - Chain Stitch using a 5mm crochet hook. The Mustard Sirdir Country Style Wool contained 40% Nylon, 30% Wool and 30% Acrylic. Approximately 5 metres of chain stitch were produced.
Ball of wool |
Close up of the stitch |
Friday - Chain Stitch using a 5mm crochet hook. The Mustard Sirdir Country Style Wool contained 40% Nylon, 30% Wool and 30% Acrylic. Approximately 5 metres of chain stitch were produced.
This was nice wool to crochet with however due to the small hook it became very time consuming as the chain links are extremely small. However I believe 10 meters of stitch in two days is quite a good pace, though still not fast enough. I am going to have to either produce an extra few meters per day or switch to a larger hook to create a chunkier effect with the wool. If I continue at the rate I am going at, I will have enough chain stitched wool to make up the next beard.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
A bit of a blur
The past few days have been very hectic and busy. Once again I have been chain stitching various wools to weave through the now made up beards. As well as this I have been making up braids for the builders shoulders.
I was able to work through 3 balls of chunky knit multicoloured wool , which thankfully were quite quick to knock out and look effective with the various strands of colour. Along with 2 balls of garden string, these will be hanging off parts of the builders costumes. Each ball was stitched with a 8mm crochet hook as I have found that the larger the hook the larger the stitch. This makes it stand out as well as easy to weave with. My worry at the moment is that where I have used a variety of stitches throughout the beards, I am concerned that the stitches wont be able to hold the weight of the various other wools and fabrics. I shall have to try finding a lighter weight material to work with that can create a textural appearance without adding extra weight to the garment.
I was able to work through 3 balls of chunky knit multicoloured wool , which thankfully were quite quick to knock out and look effective with the various strands of colour. Along with 2 balls of garden string, these will be hanging off parts of the builders costumes. Each ball was stitched with a 8mm crochet hook as I have found that the larger the hook the larger the stitch. This makes it stand out as well as easy to weave with. My worry at the moment is that where I have used a variety of stitches throughout the beards, I am concerned that the stitches wont be able to hold the weight of the various other wools and fabrics. I shall have to try finding a lighter weight material to work with that can create a textural appearance without adding extra weight to the garment.
Monday, 21 May 2012
lots of stitch, and good preparation
Using a 8mm crochet hook and a blend of 3ply red and mauve with orange beige and red flecks I coninued chain stitching. This is the same wool as yesterday and I had a vague hope that using a larger hook would help but even with a larger hook he wool had a tendency to split and required unpicking on several occasions yet again. The flecks of colour continuously fell off or clumped together meaning large sections of the chain had flecks caught up in it. This was a horrible wool to work with and wouldn't recommend it again for any part of the project. A positive however is that it is highly textural and can give the beard more of a variety of depth.
As well as finishing the wool above I have also made up 11 metres of Harley Goblin Virgin 100% Wool in Yellow using a 4mm crochet hook was used to produce chain stitch. This was good to crochet with, with no splitting or fraying, quite a lot like my old trusty reliable wool i used for the barnicals (I believe it has the same knit). Though in my opinion this colour is not exactly the nicest of shades I hope it will complement the brown well and act as a highlighter to the various other colours which are a lot darker.
Using robin Double Knit Taupe Wool and a 8mm crochet hook I chained stitch approximately 50grams of wool. This was so quick and easy to do and thankfully matches into the beard well, this will be an amazing wool which I can use to pucker the beard and create a raised effect. I can also weave a thinner stitch, maybe a 4mm hooked chain, into the holes to boost its appearance.
Finally I used my new 10mm hook (well it was a treat) and a chunky knit multicoloured 'FUNK' wool. In my opinion the pink shades in the wool look like coral and the beige yellow like sand. This will make the beard stand out from a distance and create a more visually effective garment. I will try my hardest throughout the construction of the beard to make it as attractive to the audience as possible , though keeping within the theme.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
the good and the bad
Saturday, 19 May 2012
completion and a bit of confidence
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Designs by Kate McStraw |
Today I continued knitting in loose stitch using 6mm knitting needles and Robin Chunky 100% Acrylic Wool. As predicted I finished knitting it this afternoon and kept knitting until the beard was of the correct length. After this I cast off, and sewed the ends in to produce a professional finish. Once I get this approved I shall weave more threads through the chunky holes and plait the ends to extend the length more. I am hoping this can be the beard for elder number 1 as where the knit is loose it can be pulled upwards and wrapped around the face to create a moustache.
After doing this beard I have found I am gaining more confidence in my textile abilities as well as improving on my basic skills. However if I were to do this specific beard in the future I would look into dropping more stitches and then picking them up again. This would then create a thin centre and chunkier ends.
Tomorrow I am going to take a break from Breathe and attend the Mad Hatters Charity Tea Party fittings as we have 6 costumes to fit tomorrow and then the same next weekend.
Friday, 18 May 2012
After knitting a few rows it became evident that the stitch I was using was very loose and therefore required adjusting. I unpicked to 35 stitches and continued with 1 row knit and one row loose knit stitich alternatively. The reduction of the 5 stitches made the width more acceptable for the beard as well as easier to work with. I knitted approximately one and a half balls of wool today and although it is a loose stitch it is not quick to produce compared to the last beard. Im going to have to pick up the pace on this and maybe put a few more hours into this each day in order to keep to my time plan.
This is a nice wool to use and does not split or fray and has no friction across the metal 6mm knitting needles. It doesn't have a tenancy either to go fluffy like some of the other wools. I am hoping that if I spend the next evening on it I can complete it for tomorrow afternoon.
Chichester, West Sussex, UK
Thursday, 17 May 2012
another beard and a knot
Mary's amazing Elders Cloak (with ties) |
Today I started on the next beard. It was decided to make this one was to be a darker shade compared to the other two beards. I have also decided to use another type of stitch for this beard to make it individual but collective at the same time. It will also produce a different texture.Whilst in town I purchased Robin Chunky Brown 100% Acrylic Wool (3 balls) for the next beard as well as some more string for chain stitch
I cast on 40 stitches on to 6mm knitting needles. Using 1 row of knit and the second row of placing the wool twice around the knitting needle to produce a larger stitch. This allows room for weaving the various braids through the beard.
Also today was the last full Breathe day before hand in for the rest of my class. I continued to braid balls of wool and twine to weave through the beards as well as help some of my friends. Mary asked if I could make her some ties for her Elders cloak (which in my opinion is quite amazing) so using a 5mm width garden sting I chain stitched an approximation of 70cm per tie which could be threaded through the cloak and tied at the front.
It was sad to think this was our last day working as a group. Everyone has had there ups and downs throughout this project and from these we have became a close knit family. Everyone helping each other and working towards this amazing project. Its been brilliant working with the group and I do hope that next year I get to work with some of them again.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Breathe and unfinished work
Due to class and having to sew in the ends for yesterdays barnicals I didn't complete my target:
6 x Robin Chunky (Triple Colour) Wool using a 4.5mm crochet hook. Sewed in ends to make a professional finish.
Tomorrow I shall have to make up for this.
Bournemouth UK
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
dye and disasters
Today I dyed the purple (Cheshire cat) and orange (Mad hatter) shirts for the Mad Hatters Charity Tea Party and met my barnical target:
10 x Robin Chunky (Triple Colour) Wool using a 4.5mm crochet hook. These took a while due to a small hook and having to get used to working with my right hand again. I do need to sew in ends of each of them however as I ran out of time and feel if I don't I would be skipping corners.
For Mad Hatters I have dyed both the purple (Cheshire cat) and orange (Mad hatter) shirts:
Orange Dye
White Shirt
Initially, the colour didn't take due to the incorrect issue of powdered dye, procien instead of disperse which was totally incorrect for the material composition. The dye left a faded, flat patchy coloured shirt which looked insipid.
Using Dylon Goldfish Orange and 500g of Salt, as a fixer the shirt went into the washing machine for 40 mins and a drying time of 20 mins. It produced a more brighter, vibrant orange colour. All the patches had vanished and it had an even colour.
Purple Dye
White Shirt
After being dyed with the incorrect dye, procien instead of disperse, the shirt was dull, patchy and uneventful,did not have the wow factor and even from a distance looked old and worn.
Using Dylon Intense Violet and 500g of salt as the fixer in the washing machine for 40 mins and a drying time of 20 mins it produced a bright, even violet colour. This stands out and ties in well with the character.
Next time I am to dye material I will double check the dye before I use it as it would have saved a lot of time and effort doing so. Also it will save the fabric getting patchy as this was my main worry that it wouldn't cover the patches and increase the ruin. I took a chance this time and it paid off but I may not be so lucky next time.
SDP001 Reflection,
Bournemouth, UK
Monday, 14 May 2012
castless and completion
Today has been a brilliant day. My cast was taken off my arm and wrist, though I still have to wear wrist guards for heavy work and have to attend physiotherapy, I am hoping it will allow me to get more work done and help the project more. So far today I have chain stitiched cotton string and finished the first ball and have also started chain stitching second ball of cotton string using a 5.5mm crochet hook. though again its a tighter stitch to what I'm use to I think it will work well to have various lengths and widths available to work with.
Full length of scarf |
10 x Robin Chunky (Triple Colour) using a 5mm crochet hook. This was a lovely wool to crochet with as it didn't fray and though went a little fluffy at times, didn't break off like other wools I've worked with. within the near future I may try working with the wool over a structured cone more and see if this changes the fluffy texture it can take on.
Tomorrow I have to travel back to Bouremouth and get back to class. I have a lot to run by Kate and have also got to start on the builders collars. Within the next week I plan to finish the braiding for the builders costumes and start to look at brick patterns as well as draw a few up and sample them.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Sunday promises
Continue knitting scarf for the beard using Brown (Robin Double Knit) 100% Acrylic and 7.5mm Knitting Nedles. Scarf width 40 stitiches. Its starting to gain length and look like a beard, however it does need to be much longer in length in order to wrap around the face and neck areas. I predict one more day's worth of knitting and it shall be finished. As you can see from the photo Im having to knit a bit differently to normal which is taking longer to accomplish. Though I am determined to complete it.
I have also made 10 x Robin Chunky (Triple Colour) 100% Acrylic Wool using 5.5mm crochet hook which met my target. I was going to continue on with this, however I thought the beard took president. My target for tomorrow is that once I have finished at the hospital, hopefully my cast is coming off, I will complete the scarf/beard and meet my barnical target. I have also got to travel back to Bournemouth on Tuesday morning so I will have to pack for the trip and time plan accordingly.
Chichester, West Sussex, UK
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Ready? Get set........... Go
Today has been very productive and after yesterday a great pick me up. I had a shift today at Tesco meaning I wasn't able to do any breathe work during the day but this evening I have done quite a lot. I met my target for barnicals as well as started making the beard for elder number 2.
10 x Green (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic Wool using a 5.5mm crochet hook. This was an easy wool to work with as it didn't fray and was soft on the fingers. It looped over the hook well and didn't split off.
Continued crocheting chain stitch using string (approximately half a metre) I found using the 5mm hook made a skinnier line of chain instead of the usual 8mm hook I work with. However it was much trickier to work with as the loops were tighter and put more pressure on my wrist.
Started knitting scarf for the beard using Robin Double Knit - 100% Acrylic. 40 stitches were cast on using 7.5mm knitting needles. I havnt knitted for many years now and hope this will be a bit like riding a bicycle, once learnt never forgotten. The stitch used is a basic knit stitch. Once I have learnt this stitch again and become more confident, I can progress to using more intermediate level stitches
SDP001 Reflection,
Unknown location.
Friday, 11 May 2012
friday night and a lack of concentration
After a long coach journey home and after unpacking commenced I was just about able to make my target for barnicals. Unfortunetly due to the long journey my concentration was at a all time low and in my opinion it was more of a chore today than an actual task I normally enjoy. Hopefully tomorrow I can get my energy back and get into the swing of things again.
10 x Green (Double Knit) wool using a 5.5mm crochet hook - easy to use and didnt fray. quick to work with as well as versatile.
1 x Brown 100% Acrylic Wool using a 5.5mm crochet hook - this wool was a nightmare to use, it frays very easily and tends to separate.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
builders and seaweed
Full bracelet with woven latex and fabric seaweed |
Yesterday and Today were all about the builders bracelets and weaving the latex sea weed into the links. there are 6 sets in total of the bracelets so each builder gets 2 each. As well as this I had to take into account one of the builders is in a wheelchair, meaning none of the latex can hang from the bracelet as it could get caught up in the wheels and cause unwanted injury.
During Breathe Club, volunteers made some latex seaweed which was coloured with acrylic paint and some of them having wool threaded and stuck to the latex.
Layers of latex folded over the end loop,stuck together with glue |
Tightly woven fabric painted and a thin layer of latex |
Weaving the latex into the various chains was tricky as the elasticity kept pulling and then snapping, meaning I had to glue parts together in order to make the length continuous. As well as this I had to glue the ends around the final chain to make the seaweed dangle at the wrists.
Currently I am hoping that no one has allergies to latex as this has become a major material within the bracelets. Overall these have been a success , the seaweed woven into the bracelets looks authentic from a distance and stands out well. If were to do this again however I would ask the volunteers to make some seaweed without string placed into the latex. This is due to the string tugging on the latex when weaving. I would also trim the seaweed into thinner strips to account for the smaller links in the chains.
7 x String using a 4mm crochet hook - the string had a tendency to split, was harsh on the fingers and frayed at the ends
4 x Blue (Double Knit) using a 4mm crochet hook
10th may:
8 x Blue (Double Knit) Wool using 4mm crochet hook
2 x Beige (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic, using 4mm
Over the next week I am going to have to divide my time up between braiding and beards as I still have 2 beards to make and all the braiding for on the builders costumes.
Also over the past two days I have been making more barnicals in the evenings:
9th may:
4 x Blue (Double Knit) using a 4mm crochet hook
10th may:
8 x Blue (Double Knit) Wool using 4mm crochet hook
2 x Beige (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic, using 4mm
Over the next week I am going to have to divide my time up between braiding and beards as I still have 2 beards to make and all the braiding for on the builders costumes.
SDP001 Reflection,
Bournemouth, UK
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
an evenings work
After completing the beard I was on a bit of a work high so I went well over my target for barnicals
1 x Grey (Double Knit) Wool using 5mm crochet hook (my good old faithful wool)
10 x Greystone (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic Wool using a 4mm crochet hook - very nice to crochet with, very smooth and natural to work with.
4 x String using a 4mm crochet hook. - this had a tendency to split while tryting to crochet with and the ends frayed as well when trying to sew them in. Slightly tougher to crochet with and makes the tips of the fingers a tad sore. The next time I work with this material I shall have to see if theres a way of strengthening it.
A beard and a smile
Today has been a fantastic and productive day. I was able to complete the final braids and weave them into the scarf to form a beard. Each of the braids are made up various wools or fabric and crocheted or stitched together then weaved. I have used 5 balls of various wools from double knit to felted wool.
Full beard with braiding |
The length of the scarf with the addition of the braiding means that it is able to be wrapped around a persons face, around the neck and then dangle around chest length (braid to knee length). Andrew agreed to be my model and we tested the beard:
Andrew wearing the beard |
As you can see it is a successful piece which our wonderful designer Kate is happy with. Even though it took me 3 weeks to complete, I feel this is a very big achievement for me. Originally I was really worried I wouldn't be able to do much on this project but as soon as I found I could crochet one handed I think I've found my niche area. I did find I had my favourite wools and braid forms such as double knit wool with a loose tension 8mm and the ones which were tricky to work with such as the felting wool which frayed constantly. For the next beard a darker colour could be used to make the beard and then a lighter wool for the third one. All of the beards can have the woven braids and fabric. This way all of them link together, however have an individual base.
SDP001 Reflection,
Bournemouth, UK
Monday, 7 May 2012
A sleepy start but a promising finish
Sunday was quite a slow day for me due to unpacking boxes and meetings with the director for The Mad Hatters Charity Tea Party. However I received the good news that the new designs for the characters were approved so construction could commence.
Even though I didn't get much done for my essay, I did just about meet my barnical target using the new wool I brought. It was lovely to work with though if pulled to much it turned a bit 'fluffy'. After doing both a structured cone and a crochet one, I found using the hook helped keep the wool at a constant tension and discouraged the 'fluffy' tenancies which occurred doing the barnicals freestyle. However towards the end I did go back to my old faithful wool due to tiredness. Tomorrow however I will time plan my day in order to make up for this. Todays barnicals made:
6th May:
1 x Koala (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic over a structured cardboard cone.
3 x Koala (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic using a 5mm crochet hook
6 x Grey (Double Knit) using a 5mm crochet hook
It being a bank holiday Monday, I had decided to break my day down into time slots.
9-12 - Research for essay
12-1 - Lunch
1-4 - Mad Hatters Construction
4.30 -6 - Barnicals
I am Glad i followed this time table as i proved to be very productive. I was able to gain some vital quotes for my essay, complete the White rabbit, tweedle dum and dee costumes as well as meeting my barnical target for the day and made one extra:
7th May:
7 x Grey (Double Knit) using a 5mm Crochet Hook
4 x Greystone (Double Knit) 100% Acrylic Wool using a 5mm Crochet Hook
The greystone was another new wool. Bit tricky at first as it was a new texture i had to get used to as well as the width of the wool. The 5mm hook worked well however for a chunkier form of barnicals using a 8mm or a 10mm hook may be the key. It will loosen the tension as well as take less time (we only have a few weeks left till these must be complete).
SDP001 Reflection,
Bournemouth, UK
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Updated designs and approval
Today I got the go ahead to start construction on The Mad Hatters Charity Tea Party costumes. The designs got approved as well as the fabric choices and a fitting date decided of 19th May. So for the next week and a half Phillip, Libby and myself will work as a team to create each of the garments. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses and until 14th of May at the earliest I shall not be able to use a sewing machine. On Tuesday I shall have a meeting with the others to determine what needs to be done by who and what time. Below are the updated designs and fabric choices listed below each design (inc the originals)
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Cornflower blue polycotton dress White cotton apron with cotton lace White bobby socks Black dolly shoes |
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White cotton shirt (dyed orange) Purple waistcoat (tbc) Purple trousers (fitted and elasticated) Mad hatters hat (tbc) |
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Silver acetate silk dress Silver organza overlay with silver embroidery Silver sleeves (tbc) |
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Red velvet dress shot with gold thread Black velvet sleeves with gold embroidery Black ribbon surface decoration |
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Purple and Pink striped shirt (cotton) Purple cotton fitted trousers (elasticated) Purple cape with pink/purple embroidery (tbc) |
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Grey animal suit (fake fur) Cotton striped waistcoat |
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Brown animal suit (fake fur) Black waistcoat |
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White animal suit (fake fur) Harlequin waistcoat with black collar |
Friday, 4 May 2012
A long but worth while day
Today I moved into a new flat which will be mine for the next year. A lovely environment where I can work to my hearts content. After moving what felt like hundreds of boxes I settled down to have a cup of tea and make some more barnicals:
2 x Grey (Double Knit) wool over a Structured Cardboard Cone
2 x Blue (4 Ply) Wool using a 5mm crochet hook
2 x Blue (4 Ply) Wool over a Structured Cardboard Cone
5 x Blue (4 Ply) Wool using a 4mm crochet hook
I used the reliable grey wool to begin with and structure cones to get into the swing of things until my crochet hook could be found. After this I found the blue wool and hook a natural partner. It was effortless to work with and the results have turned out well, no fraying or tugging. Maybe this wool will work well with the elders and jesters outfits as it will bring colour to the elders and neutralise the jesters bright colours and link them to the other breathers.
Tomorrow I plan on trying some new wools and seeing if they will be good to work with. I brought a Koala (100% Acrylic) wool which i feel will create some interesting barnicals.
SDP001 Reflection,
Bournemouth, UK
Thursday, 3 May 2012
barnicals and braid
Within the past couple of days I have been working on various braids which could be used within the beard creating various chain stitches and easing the tension between differant types of wool. I have found working with the 8mm crochet hook creates a chunky, stand out braid which the audience may see, whilst being thin enough to weave throughout the scarf.
Below are some of the braids I have made up:
As well as this I had the chance to work with a wonderful group of first years and volunteers for Breathe Together club on Wednesday, and teach them how to make barnicals. After a slow start I found I had a large group of 10-12 people talking and getting to know each other as well as making the barnicals. I feel it is a vital part of the group that everyone mixes together, no matter who you are. You can learn so much of different people, as well as others learning off you. One of the girls I worked with found a way of combining wools to create tied barnicals and stretching wool around the barnicals to cause a taunt effect with string. Another found a way of plaiting the rope to make it chunkier and then using the button hole stitch technique wrap the barnical around the acetate. Over all we made 68 various barnicals of differant sizes and shapes.
Im going to use this idea and plait some of the left over wools into the beard to create a ragged effect.
Finally my barnical report. I am happy to report I have met the targets every day:
2nd May: 10 x Grey (Double Knit) Wool using a 5mm crochet hook.
3rd May: 11 x Grey (Double Knit) Wool and using a 5mm crochet hook
This is becoming by far one of my favourite wools to use. The blend makes it durable to work with as well as allowing the material to be pulled taunt without wear and tear. This wool could be mixed in with most of the groups work as well as if broken down, stand out on its own.
Below are some of the braids I have made up:
Chunky knit 8mm crocheted woollen braid with tight tension |
Tawny brown braid with blue flecks using a 8mm crochet hook varied tension |
Second chunky knit 8mm crocheted woollen braid, however using a loose tension |
Double knit chunky multi coloured wool using a 8mm crochet hook |
Red felted wool with varied tension to create different ties |
Full ring of barnicals made at Breathe club |
Very interesting brown and yellow barnical made by varying the knots |
Im going to use this idea and plait some of the left over wools into the beard to create a ragged effect.
Finally my barnical report. I am happy to report I have met the targets every day:
2nd May: 10 x Grey (Double Knit) Wool using a 5mm crochet hook.
3rd May: 11 x Grey (Double Knit) Wool and using a 5mm crochet hook
This is becoming by far one of my favourite wools to use. The blend makes it durable to work with as well as allowing the material to be pulled taunt without wear and tear. This wool could be mixed in with most of the groups work as well as if broken down, stand out on its own.
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