Over the past few days I have been making the tea cup which will adorn the march hares hat. Following partially the pattern from the small tea cup I followed rows 1-12, after this I switched to the large tea cup pattern to create the lip for the cup. The lip shall make the cup more stable and allow for biscuits and cakes to be balanced and sewn successfully. The tea was once again worked from a chain of 6 stitches and had two single crochet stitches
worked into each chain. I also used the combination of double knit wool and a decorative sparkle string wool to give the tea a combination of textures. once the cup was sewn together, blue 2mm ribbon was woven through the cup in various patterns to mimic the design. One of the key components Elizabeth (the designer) has asked for is that knitted cakes and biscuits may be added to the cup and around the rim of the hat. She has also asked that a doily be made to cover the top of the hat. This was achieved by working in a circle starting with a chain of 6 and then working a double stitch into each chain to increase the size. After 10 rounds I cast off as it fitted the circumference of the hat and ironed flat to make the doily look like it was made of lace. The finalised cup is below.
Tea and saucer before flattening |
Once this was made a debate started up as to how many cups the hat should have on it as the character in question is the March Hare who is quite crazy and surreal. After pinning my practice tea cups together and then placing them onto the hat we found that 3 cups tilted at different angles looked quite bizzar and added to the characteristics of the March hare. After speaking to both Elizabeth and Mandy (my lecturer), we came to the conclusion that if three cups of tea were made individually and then sewn together it would create the desired effect of a batty march hare. As well as this, the cups would help stabilise the ears which shall be placed on the rim of each side of the hat. The new concept shall now include cups of tea which mimic the ones below however all in white with blue ribbon detailing. The extra cups shall take a few extra days to make, however if I change my schedule and delay the white queen dress by a few days (I allowed extra time for this garment) I should be able to finish everything on time.
Proposed hat |
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